
Pichu Therapy: Benefits and Applications

Pichu Therapy is an Ayurvedic treatment that involves applying a piece of cloth or cotton soaked in warm medicated oils on the affected area. This therapy is particularly effective for localized pain relief, inflammation, and certain neurological and musculoskeletal disorders. Pichu therapy is known for its simplicity, efficacy, and ability to provide targeted relief.

Benefits of Pichu Therapy

Pain Relief

anti-Inflammatory Effects

Improved Mobility

Nervous System Benefits

Rejuvenation and Revitalization

Skin Health

Diseases and Conditions Treated

Impact on the Body

Types of Pichu Therapy

Shiro Pichu

Kati Pichu

Janu Pichu

Griva Pichu

Duration and Frequency of Administration

Detailed Treatment Protocol

It is essential to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to develop a personalized Pichu therapy plan tailored to individual health needs and conditions.


Pichu Procedure


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